There are so many sites on the internet that have information on people. People sign up on a number of sites using their name for different services and needs. That does not mean that these sites can be used to locate that person. This article will help you with tips on how to find a person by name in California.
It might be a long lost friend, family member or you just want to find anyone living in California. The following methods and places will enable you to find a person by name in California.
There are plenty of sites online that will claim to offer people search activities only to find out that they are bogus sites. The sites that will be discussed on this article are those that has been tried and tested and approved to be genuine.
The methods and data that these sites have to offer vary from sites to site. We will break down how each site operates and how to get the best out of a search process from it.
Name Searches on Search Engines in California
Google for example, can be used for a name search. This is the leading search engine in the entire world. By typing the name of the person on the Google search bar and searching, you can find out a lot on the person from here. Google has search tools that can scour the internet for information on that name. If there is a site that has the name on it, it will return a positive result.
For common names, you will need to add more details on your search to eliminate unnecessary results. You can include such information like occupation, location (city, county, state), middle name, education background to name some.
Yahoo, Bing and DuckDuckGo are other search engines that you can try out for a name search in California. Searches from all these search engines are totally free.
Name Searches on Social Media in California
Social media has not only been a tool for communication but also proven to be reliable means to store information, get latest updates and meet new people. This has made it an essential tool in today’s world such that a significant number of the world’s population uses it.
People sign up on such platforms with their names or usernames. It might happen that the person you are looking up might be a member on one or more of them. Searching from them is quite easy and totally free. Most of the prominent ones such as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn have a search bar where you can search for a profile.
Most social media users include photos on their profiles which will be helpful in identifying the person for verification purposes.
Be sure to try out nicknames and other usernames that the person might use when registering on such platforms. A number of people use nicknames especially when they are more popular than their names.
Name Searches on White Pages in California
White pages offer contact information on people. A search with a name on a site that does white pages searches will give you a phone number and physical address on the person. White pages searches are totally free of charge. Sites that are heavily utilized for white pages searches include 411, Anywho, 50 States and White Pages.
Name searches in these sites need that you include location (California) in your search. This will help concentrate your search to just the state of California only.
Name Searches on Public Records sites
Public records sites are known to give more information than search engines, social media sites and white pages sites. Take a site like Pub Records for example. This site will help you access databases that will give addresses and phone numbers in an instant. It can also assist you access databases that keep public records.
All this can be done by searching with the name from their search bar. There are numerous types of searching that are possible from the site beside a name search. You can search by record type or county for example.
Sources of public records include government, court and other state agencies. The California Public Records Act gives the public the right to access public records except for those that are not permitted by law.
Comprehensive results that include public records might need that you pay from public record sites. Other sources of public records include State Records, Online Searches, Public Records Search Systems.
There are also people finder sites that offer public records online such as Info Tracer, Truth Finder, Instant Checkmate, Spokeo, People Finders and Been Verified.
With these tips on how to find a person by name in California, you stand a chance to finding out more information on the person of interest. All you need to do is try them out and see which one works for you.